
Private hire vehicle finance
Private hire vehicle finance

private hire vehicle finance

Caution You are advised that to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement or omit any material particular from this application or any document submitted with it is an offence punishable on conviction by a fine or imprisonment.

private hire vehicle finance

Please complete the attached Declaration of Convictions (including cautions and fixed penalty notices) 11. Proprietor Please use additional paper to include details of any further vehicles (if required) and ensure all the above details are provided.


Please specify all private hire vehicles which operate or will operate under your licence (Please include Plate no, Registration No. How many vehicles will operate under your licence (if granted)? 4ĥ 9.

private hire vehicle finance


Will any of your vehicles be fitted with taxi meters? Yes No If yes, please give full details of the fare meter including make, model and serial number (If any) 8. Is any person named in Section C above an undischarged bankrupt? If yes, please give details:- Yes No 7. Have any of the persons listed in Section C (and in the case of a limited company, the company itself) ever been refused a licence concerned with Hackney Carriage or Private Hire, or having been granted such a licence had it suspended or revoked? Yes No If yes, please give full details including the name of the local authority and the date(s): 6. What trade, business or profession has each person listed in Section C carried on in the past 5 years? In the case of a Limited Company what trade, business or profession has that company carried on in the past 5 years? 5. In which (if any) of the premises listed at Section A do you intend to have a waiting room for members of the public? 3Ĥ 4. If yes, has evidence of such planning permission been produced? If no, please give details why? Yes No 3. Do all the premises listed in Section A have planning permission for the operating of private hire vehicles? If no, please give details why? Yes No 2. 6 Address 7 Name of Director(s) 8 Name of Company Secretary 9 Company Registration No. 2ģ (iii) Applicants details if a body corporate (Limited Company): 1 Name of Company 2 Registered Address 3 Town 4 Postcode 5 Telephone No. (i) Applicant s details: 1 Title ( box) Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other 2 Surname 3 Forename(s) 4 Home Address 5 Town 6 Postcode 7 Telephone Number(s) 8 Address 9 Date of Birth (ii) Second applicant s details (if any): 1 Title ( box) Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other 2 Surname 3 Forename(s) 4 Home Address 5 Town 6 Postcode 7 Telephone Number(s) 8 Address 9 Date of birth Please use additional paper to include details of any further applicants (if required) and ensure all the above details are provided. PHOP Form (updated 1 st October 2015) 1Ģ C Details of all applicant(s) Please complete Section (iii) only if the applicant is a Limited Company. PO Expiry Date A Name of Operator / Firm B List every address at which you are in (or intend to carry on) business as a private hire operator: (i) First or only premises: 1 Address 2 Town 3 Postcode 4 Telephone Number(s) (ii) Second premises (if any): 1 Address 2 Town 3 Postcode 4 Telephone Number(s) Please use additional paper to include details of any further premises (if required) and ensure all the above details are provided. 1 Application for a licence to operate private hire vehicles Please read the notes at the back of this form carefully before completing the application Type of Application (place a tick in the appropriate box) First Grant Renewal of Existing Licence Licence Details (if applicable) Licence No.

Private hire vehicle finance